Category Archives: Autumn colours

A New Font

Org 1 AaBbCcD! for web

Org 2 dEeFfGg) for web

Org 3 HhIiJjKkl for web

Have you ever wished you could slightly tweak the font? I couldn’t resist the temptation to do more. This is “Oliver’s Alphabets” taken to new extremes. I doubt you will see a book written in “Cy’s Organic” anytime soon. I suspect the publisher would go potty, to say nothing of the reader. Even so, please enjoy the sheer delight of the dream. See the full set in “Galleries”.


I haven’t forgotten the craft book. John Winskell, a very good friend and I are working on an audio visual collaboration. His site has some great music. Just click So as they say, “Watch this space!” Exciting developments are in the pipeline. My next post ought to be on the 30th November 2013.

Autumn Colours in Japan

Sunset for web

Sunset near my home, Oji, Japan

I’ve been quite busy tweeking the Japanese instructions for my craft book with the help of my beautiful living dictionaries (wife and daughter) as well as creating and delivering sets of Christmas cards plus ornaments to a nearby Christian bookshop in Osaka. Also in Osaka I have begun teaching a new course of business English at a pharmaceutical company. The upshot is I do not have enough material ready to add to the “Galleries”. Instead, please enjoy these photos from way back in 2002, a year when the temperatures suddenly dropped, setting off a delightful display of autumn colours.


Solitary leaf for web


Mycal leaves for web

trunk and leaves for web

leaves on ground


Hannah's arrangement for web

late caterpillar for web



I hope to get back to the craft book next week on 23rd November.