Starting with the frontispiece I wish to introduce the thirteen works that appear in my 2013 calendar on the theme of “God Cares for You”. This time I include the bible references that inspired the paintings.
Here are God’s hands holding the world — 1 Peter 5:6, 7.
We also need living words from God’s mouth to sustain us — Matthew 4:4.
God’s heart is seen here in two ways: the traditional Valentine heart intersected by the cross where Jesus gave his life for the life of the world — 1 Samuel 13:14
Jesus on the cross for you and me — John 19:2.
God may be invisible, but he leaves tracks — Psalm 18:9
This star-burst, fancifully arranged over the earth, reminds me of God’s watching eye — 2 Chronicles 16:9.
Last year scientists discovered the Higgs boson, a very small particle that gives everything mass. Is there new hope for dieters? Alas not, but I do see the finger of God in this — Exodus 8:18,19.
God’s care for the young and the weak is apparent — Isaiah 40:11.
Are you in trouble? You may find shelter under God’s wings — Psalm 36:7.
Just as the moon acts as a mirror reflecting some of the sun’s light, so the lives of people transformed by God reflect some of Jesus’ glory to a needy world — 2 Corinthians 3:18 and 4:6.
God hears our faintest whispers and our loud ‘Hallelujahs’ — Psalm 94:9.
How does one represent God’s mind? I chose the vast range of scale from the sub-atomic to the cosmic. I focussed on the physical constants and meditated on the fact if just one were slightly altered we would not exist. In a small way God’s mind is in us: we did not make God; God made us — Romans 11:34.
The world is as divided today as on the night when Jesus was born in Bethlehem, but one day he, the Prince of Peace, will return — Isaiah 9:6.
I hope you have enjoyed this collection. Please feel free to leave a comment. I welcome feedback and I’ll try to respond personally.