Category Archives: Artists I admire

“Artists I admire” features connections between artists’ work and mine, along with brief annotations.

Hannah in Kindergarten 幼稚園にいるハンナ

Hands up!手を挙げて!

For my second post on Hannah’s works I have gone way back to her kindergarten days when she was aged four or five. 今回のポーストのためにハンナの幼稚園の作品を見せたいです。ハンナは四歳か五歳でした。

But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven. (Matthew 19:14 in the Authorised Version or King James Version)

しかし、イエスは言われた。「子どもたちを許してやりなさい。邪魔をしないでわたしのところに来させなさい。天の御国はこのような者たちの国なのです。」[マタイ19:14 新改訳]

To see this new gallery click on this link:

In Memory of Hannah ハンナの記念

Our dear daughter, Hannah, passed away on Saturday 20th July. Although we miss her so badly, we remember that our loss is heaven’s gain. These works Hannah prepared for use in our church’s publicity.


Sparrow and Camellia, 2010・つばめと山茶花
Bluebird and Wax Flowers, 2009・青い鳥と蝋梅の花
Lovebirds, 2016・恋に落ちた鳥たち
Kingfisher and Cherries, 2010・カワセミと桜の花
Birds with Berries, 2007・鳥たちと赤い実

In the final book of the Bible, the Revelation, the Holy City is described thus:

“The city does not need the sun or the moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and the Lamb is its lamp. The nations will walk by its light, and the kings of the earth will bring their splendour into it. On no day will its gates ever be shut, for there will be no night there. The glory and honour of the nations will be brought into it.” (Revelation 21:23-26, NIV)


「都には、これを照らす太陽も月もいらない。というのは、神の栄光が都を照らし、小羊が都のあかりだからである。諸国の民が、都の光によって歩み、地の王たちはその栄光を携えて都に来る。都の門は一日中決して閉じることがない。そこには夜がないからである。こうして、人々は諸国の民の栄光と誉れとを、そこに携えて来る。」黙示録 21:23-26 新改訳


Those of us who are considered worthy to take part in the age to come may be kept happily busy creating music, art, poetry, and so on for God’s glory. For example, Handel’s ‘Messiah’ will be carried into heaven and played there. Angels as well as kings will stand! This is my imagination, but for God’s pleasure a place will be found even for Hannah’s works. She may be drawing a picture now!

Peace Balloons

Peace Asia 2

Peace Balloons   平和の風船

In the current coronavirus lockdown most of us have plenty of time. I have just completed Peace Balloons, possibly the most time-consuming art project I have ever undertaken, having invested an estimated 400 hours.


In the course of painting the nets my dear father passed away. At first I thought I stop painting. However it came to me that my father, who was an accomplished architect and painter, would have wanted me to continue. So I dedicate Peace Balloons to Cyril’s memory.


The post Peace Balloons 平和の風船 may be accessed here.




Artists I admire

What artists do I admire?  Who has provided most beautiful objects and scenes to inspire me? Who has influenced my work?

1.    God

God has provided so many things for us to see, as well as the eyes to see them with. Many humans adore the sexual organs of the higher plants. I was so taken by the colours of this geranium growing in Sissinghurst in a garden designed by and cared for by Ms. Vita Sackville-West. Just below the photo is my painting of it.

Geranium photo for web

The Sissinghurst geranium

Sissinghurst Geranium for web

My painting of the Sissinghurst geranium, 2005

2.    My Parents

I am fortunate to have a rich artistic heritage in my parents.

Cyril is an architect by profession, but he is also an artist in his own right. He has been hung in the Royal Academy of Arts for his architectural drawings. To him I owe so much, including a sensitive appreciation of perspective, colour and form. He painted this autumn scene in Hattoji in Okayama, western Japan in 1998.

Hattoji Folk Museum for web

Hattoji Folk Museum by Cyril Winskell, 1998

Patricia is an accomplished embroiderer doing quite a lot of work locally for the church and other compassionate organisations. She won the prestigious award of the Olga Stokes Cup for ecclesiastical embroidery. Patricia says her intention always is to interpret the desires of those commissioning her into the final work to the delight of the client and herself. To her also I owe so much, including attention to detail and the patience to see a project through to completion. She gave my wife this cushion for her birthday present last month.

Persian Tile by Patricia Winskell for web

Persian Tile by Patricia Winskell, 2013

3.    M. C. Escher

Escher was a Dutch artist who was influenced by his love of Japan where I live. His work can be viewed here:- M. C. Escher’s official site. His playing with perspective and pattern has inspired many. His ‘Metamorphosis’ is famous. I was very taken by his Puddle, and based a work on it (below).

C11 11 Eight Variations on a Theme

Eight Variations on a Theme, 2010 — See the entire collection in Galleries/East Meets West.

4.    Richard Bizley

Recently a friend let me know about this marvellous artist whose life sciences background and interest in heavenly spheres chime with mine. I feel Richard Bizley is streets ahead (or light years ahead) of me. He is the kind of artist I wish I had known about a long time ago. He is so skilled at creating a sense of depth and grandeur in his prehistoric landscapes and scenes of planets moving through space. Eclipsed Pluto could have inspired this work of mine (below) had I known about it.

6 Heavenly Lights for web

Heavenly Lights, 2008 — See the entire collection in Galleries/Creation.

There are many more people I could add such as Monet, Turner and Hokusai. Eventually I must open a new page describing the major artistic influences in my life.

Next week, on 28th September, I hope to return to my galleries and add one more set of works painted for a calendar which together form “The Window of Praise”.