2012 Praise the LORD

A series of twelve works illustrating the theme of Psalm 148 “Praise the LORD”


C12 Window of Praise for web

Window of Praise

The “Window of Praise” features all twelve works as they would appear in a single stained glass window.

The Heavens 天

The Heavens  天

The Angels   御使い

The Angels  御使い

Sun, Moon, Stars 日、月、星

Sun, Moon, Stars  日、月、星

Waters 水

Waters  水

The Earth 地球

The Earth  地球

Sea Creatures 海の生き物

Sea Creatures and Ocean Depths  海の生き物と淵

Lightning 雷

Lightning  雷

Storms  嵐

Storms  嵐

Mountains and Hills  山と丘

Mountains and Hills  山と丘

Trees  木

Trees  木

Wild Animals...  獣...

Wild Animals…  獣…

Kings...  王...

Kings…  王…















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