Several of my cards in this period feature the earth or at least something that is round. Many of them are bilingual. Japanese and English text each have a beauty of their own.
This card was designed to be viewed with both surfaces 45 degrees from the flat view. You have probably understood that the star indicates Jesus’ birthplace. The greeting expresses the hope that Jesus’ light may be our life.
For the end of the 20th century I produced this very simple card, mostly out of reused materials. The prophecy, fulfilled in Jesus, comes from Isaiah 60:19. The star guided the Wise Men to the baby Jesus.
This card, jointly designed and made with my beloved, celebrates the message of hope announced by the angel choir (Luke 2:14) when Jesus was born in Bethlehem. To achieve a simple look (or to save work?) Jesus has not yet been placed in the manger. Even so, the sign of his coming great sacrifice is cut out of the apex of the roof.
Perhaps you do not associate spiritual fruits (as featured in Galatians 5:22,23) with Christmas, even if they are arranged in a modern Christmas tree style. Yet Jesus came so that we could have lasting love, joy, peace… The green strip carries the assembly instructions. These are hidden in the complete ornament:-
This card, designed by my beloved, carries on the previous year’s theme, focussing on the fruit of righteousness coming through Jesus (Philippians 1:11).
Jesus is the true light that gives light to every man, woman and child (John 1:9).
Jesus did say he was the light of the world (John 9:5).
The 2005 card carries the prayer that God’s love will lead us to reject hatred and to express love. This is only possible if Jesus is in your life (John 3:16).
The angel’s song (in Luke 2:14) is arranged in rings around the Earth on the one side, and a light echo from far out in space on the other. The sheer grandeur of space expresses God’s glory, whereas the Earth represents the place for God’s peace — human hearts receiving his Son, Jesus.