Author Archives: Supercy

About Supercy

I'm a budding artist hoping to sell original art on the web. I graduated from King's College, London with a 'major' in botany and a 'minor' in theology. I am fascinated by mathematical patterns and colours in nature. I suspect they aren't there by chance.....

愛 Love

Grace 1st



As promised I open one door everyday. Opening the first door reveals love!

“God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him”—1 John 4:16b (NIV)

Doors for Grace

Grace united image unopened for articulations 20151128

I present my Magnum Opus. (It took about 200 hours over a period of 3 months to complete.) I set out to make a Christmas card and ended up with an Advent calendar.

This is the advent calendar in its basic state before the views behind the doors are installed from a separate sheet of hidden words. (The mechanics of door 21 are different leaving the word visible in this basic state.)

The idea for the calendar came from my work teaching English to a variety of students.

Students complain of poor vocabulary,

May I proclaim some heart vocabulary,

Let one word a day, heard in your heart,

Enrich all you say, and straighten your way.

Starting on 1st December, I hope to add one post a day as each door is opened to reveal a hidden word. Enjoy and be enriched!


Conus Shell


Conus assembled  4 (1)


Conus is a large genus of small to large predatory sea snails, marine gastropod molluscs, with the common names of cone snails, cone shells or cones. (Wikipedia

They are poisonous so they need careful handling. In fact they are best not handled. They are found mostly in tropical waters near coral reefs.

The shape and patterns inspired me to design and build this paper model. I feel like I am emulating the work of the Designer (but with far inferior intellect and ability).

More images and information on assembly are available in the gallery at!

I hope to continue adding posts and pages to the galleries once a month so please look forward to the next one on 3rd October. 

Projection-Mapped Starfish

starfish view

Welcome to my “Projection-Mapped Starfish”.

Despite the name no projection mapping technology was used in its production. Even the mathematics was done on paper with compasses, rulers and pencils.

More may be seen in Galleries; Paper Craft; Starfish… This includes details of the stages of production or secrets of the trade, and also six views of the completed starfish.

I hope to continue with Echinodermata by developing a paper craft model of the Leopard Sea Cucumber.



Flowers with love

Desk Cal 02 Feb web

I have created a new desk calendar for 2015. I have added captions about love.     机のためのカレンダーを作りました。愛に関することばを聖書から引きました。

The full set may be viewed in the new gallery in “Galleries”, “Calendars”, “2015 Flowers with love”. このカレンダーの各面は”Galleries”, “Calendars”, “2015 Flowers with love”で見れます。

Sorry for the long silence. I have been busy. I will try to add posts every last Saturday of the month. 長いあいだに何も書いていないことのためにすみません。忙しかった。これから毎月の最後の土曜日ブログを書くつもりです。頑張ります。



Sea Walnut

Sea Walnut 1 web

Sea Walnut Paper craft (2014)

One of my students remarked he could see God’s hand in the Sea Walnut paper craft. I think he was referring to the original creature swimming about in the ocean rather than the craft it inspired.

The Sea Walnut, Mnemiopsis leidyi, is an exciting bioluminescent comb jelly whose natural habitat is the Atlantic Ocean just off the North American seaboard. However it has been hitching a ride in the ballast of ships as far as the Black Sea, wreaking havoc on the local ecosystems and fishing industries by overfeeding on the zooplankton that the fish also feed on. Who could have believed that such a cute tennis ball-sized creature could cause so much trouble?

To see more images and a delightful seascape, see Galleries, Papercraft, “Sea Walnut” and “Seascape”.

Butterflies in Space!

Space Butterflies 3 for cysarts

Space Butterflies 3 (2005)

Not a major scientific discovery, but a mere flight of fancy (pardon the pun).

In the spring of 2005 we lost a dear sister in our church so I was looking for a distraction, a catharsis if you like. When she was seriously ill, her favourite bible verse was

“No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.”  1 Corinthians 10:13 (NIV).

That summer I remembered the butterflies whose photos I had taken at Stratford Upon Avon the previous year. I superimposed their patterns on the rolling spheres of space and got the above result. The full collection (of three paintings) may be viewed in “Galleries” → “Space Butterflies”.

Sorry I have not been regular in writing lately. My new job in the office of a small university has kept me busy. I hope to begin releasing samples of this year’s project “Sea creatures” soon.


How to make a Floral Pollen Grain

Ch 5 p4 desk cal photo

Desk calendar for 2015

Sorry for not posting anything new for nearly two months. I’ve been busy preparing a craft book.

If you click the below link

Ch5 merged

you can view the PDF file of chapter 5 of my craft book. The file may take time to load. Also the first page is blank. Don’t be put off. You can print the pages you want. I’m giving you permission to print and make paper models for non-commercial purposes. Enjoy!

I hope to post more regularly from now on, about once a month.