“Global Thinking” is a series of four paintings showing twelve views of the earth at 30-degree intervals. The issue being highlighted is, of course, climate change or global warming. I used data from the year 2003. That was a dramatically hot year especially in Australia (reddish-brown in the painting) and Europe.
Since entering the 21st century the surface temperatures of the earth have shown no overall increase. Even so scientists are concerned. They are on record at the United Nations for claiming with 95% certainty that we humans are primarily responsible for climate change. How can we reduce our ‘carbon footprint’? In other words, how can we mitigate the impact our lifestyles have on the climate, especially in our use of fossil fuels?
Sir John Houghton, an important meteorologist, in his book “Global Warming, The Complete Briefing” (link to a recent edition here:-
offers timeless advice on the theme of ‘stewardship’ in his 8th chapter “Why should we be concerned?” If we humans could see ourselves as tenants rather than landlords we might make better progress in leaving a better world for our children. Guess who I think the real Landlord is…
Please enjoy the entire series in the gallery “Global Thinking”. While in “Galleries” you can also enjoy the seven other rooms which house works for seven calendars right up to 2014’s, named “The Earth and all in it”.
Next week, on 12th October, I hope to introduce my Christmas cards, starting way back in 1982.