I love apples. They are beautiful on the outside. They are tasty on the inside. An apple tree with lots of big, juicy apples is a delight.
We are like apple trees in that we bear fruit. What kind of fruit depends on what we do.
- detail from Prayer (2010) 「いのり」より
Do we live in darkness? 暗やみの中に住んでいますか。
Do we hate anyone? 誰かを憎んでいますか。
Do we err?…. 誤っていますか。
“Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness….The fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth.”
from Ephesians 5 エペソ5章より
This design for a Christmas card is based on St Francis of Assisi’s prayer for peace. このデザインは『フランシスコの平和の祈り』に基づいています。
If we have darkness we need light. If we have hatred we need love. If we have error we need truth…
The fruit of the light results in peace. 光の実の結果は平和です。
The next post should be on 11th January 2014. I’m hoping for a multimedia event involving a Canadian relative. Have a fruitful 2014!
次のブログは今月11日です。カナダの親せきと関係しているマルチ・メディアを報告したい。 2014年に豊かにみを結ぶように!